Teaching lies..

It’s really funny, if not outrageously erroneous, to see what kids are taught in schools and family in our country. And this system of “skip education” as I would like to call it spans not only from school to homes, but also to media and television. We are taught ‘fairy tales’ from our childhood, where the protagonist is always charming and pretty, the villains are all monstrous by action and appearance. Movies in Bollywood has kept this tradition up and running feeding facts far aloof from reality to all age groups.

half truth and white lies

You might think that you aren’t a part of this system of teaching lies to our minds but consider this, things are carefully doctored and edited before it reaches the minds of adolescents..this ‘skip education’ filters all the things which are considered dark and secret and exposes the kids to only the brighter side of the story and sex isn’t a household topic of discussion.   Are we so gullible to believe that kids aren’t getting information from some other sources, sources which are not authentic and may even ruin their lives !! But no, we can’t talk about it, although we are expert in producing as many offspring as possible, leading the entire world in population growth. The world is at a brink of collapse, population growth is like a disease eating the natural resources from within, and causing symptoms like unemployment, pollution, insufficiency of land, water and fuel, and we know it from within but we will never ask our son to not to marry or produce only a single kid, why? Because we need many kids to carry our name forward in the next century, but we deny the fact that if the population kept on growing at this rate then human race would not survive even the next century, yet we need our sons to get married and produce 12 offspring (exaggeration) !! population-explosion-graph How many parents get involved in family planning of their children?? how many parents teach them to approach sex,”the most powerful driving force known to man”, in the right way? Inversely, how many kids will dare to ask about any sort of sexual problems or issues they are facing to their parents? Some may pretend to say they are comfortable to discuss anything with their parents but believe me, once you tell your father that you have the problem of erectile dysfunction or your wife is a patient of yeast infection, he will give you a look that will transcend all the boundaries of disgust and shock !!


And this doesn’t end here, this system of “skip education” have serious repercussions. From untreated sexual ailments to incorrect ways of exploring the dark domain of life leading to devastation, every unfortunate event can be attributed to this edited teaching. The most serious one being when the kid, been taught only the bright side of life, comes face to face suddenly to the darkest truths,it strikes his immature mind like a poisoned arrow leading him to turn into a non believer. If you teach him regarding the benefits of sunlight, then don’t forget to warn him about the fatal effects of a sun stroke..That’s when your kid will be able to see life as a whole and no demon of darkness will ever be able to haunt him to oblivion.

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