Spirituality v/s Religion

                  Religions are something that dictates our way of living since our birth, but we are free to make our choices i.e.to tread on the path shown by it or to make our own principles for living a satisfactory life. But what are the basic ingredients which name a set of principles as a religion.
        Well, by definition there are three aspects that a religion should have to retain its effectivity :
–                                   Assurance of salvation
–                                   Set of principles
–                                   Conversion of non-believers to believers
As time has passed these aspects took a different form. Religion today varies from pure devotion to psychopathic extremism and this is where the atheists find loopholes to denounce religion as a whole by exclaiming that “religions causes wars where people blindly slaughter each other just to find out who has a better invisible friend”.
           But apart from these adversaries there is something in religion which is invulnerable to the bayonet words of non-believers, it is the reason of its existence. It needs one to go deep down into the abyss though to find it out, to touch that surface of ideas which makes us spiritually wealthy regardless of our grades in the religious order.
Religions are simply a code of conduct which makes us able to know our inner selves,and here comes spirituality. Knowing our inner beings isn’t a child’s play though and thus the need arises of certain stories and dramatization to make the ignorant masses believe and explore their inner selves making Religion = spirituality + dramatization. The practice is complicated though, if the masses move in the right direction and realize the real nature of what is told to them as stories and legends   then the purpose is attained but if they cling only to the codes and dramatization then religion shows it darker aspect in the form of extremist groups, most of them terrorizing the planet.
What is lacking in them? Is it the code of conduct? No. In fact extremists are among the group of people following the codes strictly word by word. Is it the assurance of salvation? No. Is it conversion? No. They are always ready to convert the people of other religions to their own. Then by definition they are the “people of God”. But what makes them an aberration is the lack of the consciousness of their conscience.

All religions are different ways to spiritual consciousness. They are ways to make us realize that we are all but one. As the theory of entanglement in physics says that every particle in this universe is related to all other particles, likewise each one of us are related to everyone else by a supreme power God and spirituality makes the picture crystal clear, by making us realize that we are far beyond our bodies. Body is just a cocoon encasing something much more precious in it and it’s our own choice to either live like mortal bodies or live like invulnerable souls.

As the Bible says, “Ye are Gods”.

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